Skin Tightening that Works

Loose skin that lacks elasticity is an unfortunate part of aging, but there are ways to prevent skin laxity and tighten sagging skin. This video will go into more detail about the modalities I use for skin tightening that have been the most successful.

My favorite threads for skin tightening are these PDO mono threads in 29g 25mm length from (Code STACY10) for 10% off site wide.

The Boost LED Mask is another tried and true anti-aging device backed by science. When used regularly this device delivers results.

For Radio Frequency I’ve moved to using the MLAY Professional RF Device. It’s a bit more robust than the previous RF devices I’ve used, but it definitely seems more powerful.

Another great option for improve skin tone, texture and elasticity is regular microneedling. I use the Dr. Pen M8, which I love.

Have you used any of these devices or modalities to improve your skin? Let me know what has (or hasn’t) worked for you!

Links are affiliates.

10 Best Anti Aging Foods

If you want to keep your skin looking young and healthy, these foods can help you maintain your skin’s radiance by increasing the number of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals in your system. So, let’s look at ten of the very best foods that can help you hold back the hands of time.

  • Blueberries

One of the most effective anti-aging foods are blueberries. Not only do blueberries contain both vitamins A and C, which both help protect your skin, but blueberries also contain an antioxidant known as Anthocyanin, which is renowned for its age-defying properties. Blueberries may also help protect your skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays and may even help prevent collagen loss in adults. 

  • Papaya

Another anti-aging superfood, papaya, is rich in antioxidants and vitamins that can decrease the appearance of lines and wrinkles while preserving your skin’s elasticity. Papaya also contains additional age-fighting components, such as Vitamins A, C, E, and K, magnesium, potassium, and calcium, all of which do a great job at resisting the effects of aging on your skin. 

  • Spinach

Spinach is one of the best foods you can eat when you want to keep your skin looking vital and healthy. You can find the following age healthy ingredients in spinach:

  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Lutein
  • Vitamins A, E, C, and K

Spinach has also been shown to help alleviate inflammation in the body’s cells, which may delay the onset of the visible signs of aging.

  • Avocado

Perhaps the most popular anti-aging superfood these days is avocado. Avocado is rich in B Vitamins and potassium, which are both great for your skin, and they also contain a lot of Vitamin A, which is known to help exfoliate dead skin cells, promoting a healthy, youthful appearance. Avocadoes also contain a high carotenoid content which assists in blocking the harmful effects of the sun’s rays on your skin, making avocado a great choice for those who want to fight the signs of wear and tear associated with getting older. 

  • Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are full of beta-carotene, which may help your skin retain its elasticity and remain soft, supple, and youthful. Sweet potatoes also contain Vitamins A, C, and E, all of which help your body fight the effects of aging. Vitamins C and E are particularly good at combating the free radicals in your body, which can help keep your skin looking glowing and radiant. 

  • Pomegranate Seeds

Pomegranates are also considered one of the best anti-aging foods. Long renowned for their antioxidant properties, pomegranate seeds contain high levels of Vitamin C, which may help protect your system from the spread of free radicals while also reducing overall skin inflammation. Another anti-aging benefit of pomegranate seeds is that they help maintain and restore your body’s collagen levels, promoting a healthy appearance while maintaining your skin’s natural glow and beauty. 

  • Red Bell Peppers

Loaded with antioxidants, red bell peppers, maybe the very best anti-aging food out there. In addition to high levels of Vitamin C, red bell peppers also contain loads of Carotenoids, which have been shown to reduce the effect of the sun’s rays on your skin, as well as safeguarding your skin against environmental toxins and pollutants. Red bell peppers are also renowned for their anti-inflammatory properties, which aid in maintaining a healthy, youthful appearance. 

  • Watercress

If you can only eat one anti-aging superfood, it should be watercress. Not only can watercress help improve your blood circulation, but it is also a great source for the following anti-aging ingredients: 

  • Manganese
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Vitamin A, C, and K
  • B Vitamins including B1 and B2

Given the long list of healthy vitamins and minerals found in watercress, it should come as no surprise that eating watercress is a great way to boost your skin oxygenation levels, reduce free radicals, and keep the signs and aging away from your skin for as long as possible. 

  • Broccoli

Broccoli is another superfood known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Broccoli contains a number of the most important minerals which have been shown to help reduce the visible signs of aging, including folate, lutein, calcium, and vitamins C and K, as well as a whole host of other antioxidants which help in maintaining your skins appearance while reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Broccoli is especially great for boosting your collagen levels as broccoli is high in Vitamin K, which promotes collagen production. 

  • Nuts 

Nuts are a fantastic source of Vitamin E, which is one of the best vitamins for anti-aging applications. Not only can some nuts help protect your skin against harmful, damaging rays from the sun, but they also help to reinforce cell membranes and retain your skin’s moisture over extended periods of time. Nuts are also rich in the anti-inflammatory compound omega-3, which can help your skin retain its natural oil barrier, leading to a healthier overall system and a younger, more full-of-life appearance. 

  • Final Thoughts

There are plenty of foods out there that offer little or no anti-aging benefits, but by eating the superfoods listed above, you may be able to keep your skin looking younger, healthier, and more attractive while delaying the visible onset of the signs of aging.

At the end of the day, we are all aging every minute, but that doesn’t have to mean losing your skins natural radiance, so do your best to incorporate some of these anti-aging superfoods into your diet, and there’s a very good chance that you’ll look younger for much longer. 

Saxenda Pen for Weight Loss | Week 1

I first learned about the Saxenda Pen while researching safe, science backed, weight loss options. Like so many men and women, I’ve become less active and gained some weight through the Covid 19 pandemic restrictions. Because the Saxenda pen is not recommended for anyone who has had medullary thyroid cancer, I was apprehensive. Although my thyroid cancer was not medullary (I had papillary carcinoma) I initially ruled it out as an option.

After further research, and a conversation with my doctor, I made the decision that this really was an option that might work well for me. Having had thyroid cancer, and more sedentary lifestyle that came along with the pandemic, I was starting to feel a little defeated. Weight loss has been a struggle for me as I’ve aged.

The big problem was that Saxenda is not budget friendly. Through a doctor, the Saxenda pen can cost $1000-$2000 a month and is not typically covered by insurance. It’s unfortunate that the same drug that is available for purchase by consumers in other countries at an affordable price is outrageously marked up in the United States. Like so may things, it’s available to those who have money to burn. Until I found Aesthetic Maison, I couldn’t afford Saxenda.

Here’s the thing, and I don’t want to minimize this!! It’s extremely important to understand the risks and contraindications of Saxenda or any other weight loss drug. Regardless if you get this medication through your doctor, or from a trusted vendor, it’s important to have a conversation with your doctor about whether Saxenda is right for you.

Just a note for safety, if you see Saxenda available for under the price of $325 for a two pack, assume it’s not a legitimate Saxenda product!!

Trusted Vendors – Discount Code STACY10 – Discount Code STACY10

Learn more about my first week using the Saxenda Pen in this video. Note: This is not medical advice or instruction. This is my own journey using the Saxenda Pen. Please see your doctor to determine if Saxenda is right for you.

How it works

Saxenda contains Liraglutide, which is a synthetic version of a hormone found in our bodies, this hormone GLP-1 affects appetite and let’s your brain know you’re full. Essentially, Liraglutide, reduces hunger and apetite.

You can find some research statistics here:

Dosing Information can be found here:

You’ll also need disposable needles that work with this device, which you can find here:

1 Week Results – Down 7 lbs

Side Affects – 1 day of mild nausia (but I tend to get mild nausia periodically so I can’t know for sure if it was from the Saxenda or something else.)

My Dosing

week 1 – 0.6mg once daily

Week 2 – 1.2 mg once daily

Week 3 – 1.8 mg once daily

Week 4 – 2.4 mg once daily

Week 5 – 3.0 mg once daily

After week 5 – 3.0 mg once daily is recommended if tolerated.

You can follow my Saxenda weight loss journey by subscribing to Gorgeously Aging on YouTube and find me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @GorgeouslyAging for more updates.

This website contains affiliate links!

Fitness After Menopause

We’ve heard it most of our lives:  our metabolism is doomed to dwindle as we age, with the downward trend accelerating even more quickly after menopause. And with that declining metabolism comes the dreaded weight gain and “thicker” midsection.

Not so fast! New research published by Science suggests that our metabolic rate – the rate at which our bodies burn calories — holds relatively steady between the ages of 20 and 60 and only decreases at a rate of less than one percent per year thereafter. Further, the findings indicate no significant difference between the resting metabolic rates of men and women. 

Instead, the study, which analyzed data from 6500 people, suggests that it is lifestyle changes that have lowered our ability to metabolize fat, maximize caloric burn and keep our metabolic processes in top form. And the number one factor they cite?  A more sedentary lifestyle.

You see, most earlier studies on metabolism measured how much energy the body uses for basic vital functions (e.g., breathing, digesting, pumping blood). But those basic functions account for just 50 to 70 percent of the calories we burn each day. The others come from the energy we expend doing everything else: washing the dishes, walking the dog, working out at the gym, or going up and down the stairs. As we enter menopause, we simply tend to move around less than we used to.

Think about it. When we were in our 20s and 30s, we were likely more physically and cognitively active – going to college, landing our first jobs, repairing our first fixer-upper homes. In our 30s and 40s, many of us were busy carting the kids to and from activities, climbing a career ladder or traveling. As we approached menopause, things naturally slowed down a bit. The kids are grown and out of the house, we’re working less hours, and we have the time to socialize with friends around the dinner table.

These changes in activity mean that we’re moving less and slowly losing muscle mass, both of which are key to keeping the metabolic fires burning. 

Fitness After Menopause

The good news is there are plenty of ways for gorgeously aging and staying healthy after menopause. Here are a few activities you can (re)build back into your schedule to ensure healthy aging. 

Try HIIT Training

High Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT, is just what is sounds like – short bursts of high-intensity movement interspersed with rest or low intensity activities in between. HIIT is great for a couple of reasons, the most appealing of which is the intervals are short! You might not be able to run three miles without stopping, but doing step ups or kettlebell swings to get your heartrate up for 20 seconds at a time?  Now that’s doable. 

HIIT routines usually alternate between high intensity activities and lower-intensity, weight-lifting or weight-bearing exercises, such as dumbbell curls, push-ups or squats, which build lean muscle mass.  

HIIT sessions are effective because they do two things referenced in metabolism study:  they keep your heart rated elevated (i.e., expending calories) and they help build muscle, which boosts your resting metabolism. 

In fact, the researchers found that “just five four-second bursts of exercise performed at full effort every hour throughout the day can dramatically increase fat metabolism by as much as 49 percent.” 

Expand Your Social Network with a Walking/Hiking Group

One of the luxuries of fitness after 40 is that most of us generally have more time on our hands. Paradoxically, though, our social circle may have gotten smaller since the kids left the nest. The access we used to have to a “built in” social network, such as the parents of our kids’ friends or even work colleagues, may be diminishing.  

Now is the ideal time to rekindle old friendships and make some new ones by organizing a hiking group. Depending on where you live, the term “hike” might simply mean walking around your neighborhood. Ideally, though, you can find some easy-to-moderate trails nearby that will elevate your heartrate.

Think about some women in your life you might not know very well (e.g., the neighbor a few houses down, that mom you’ve lost touched with, a former co-worker) and invite them to a weekly or monthly hike. Try to get a core group of at least 10 people to keep the group active and hold each other accountable. You can organize the entire thing or take turns letting others choose the route each week. Schedule a coffee date immediately afterward to strengthen the bonds. 

If you don’t want to lead the effort, see if there’s an existing hiking group on your local Meet Up or Next Door apps. 

Do Yoga to Maintain Flexibility

No, we’re not necessarily talking about Power, Hot or even Ashtanga Yoga – although any of these would be a great addition. No, for we women of a certain age, a regular practice of Yin, or “restorative” yoga, will keep our joints flexible. 

While many types of yoga focus on your muscles, restorative yoga targets your deep connective tissues, including your fascia, ligaments, joints and bones. It’s slower, gentler and more meditative than other types of yoga, and the poses are held for a longer period of time. Restorative yoga helps you stretch and lengthen those rarely used tissues, prompting us to get into the nooks and crannies we rarely tend to use anymore. Our favorite is the Pigeon Pose, which is a considered a “hip opener” and just feels so darned good!

Even if you don’t go to a formal yoga class, take a few minutes each day to do some of the deep stretches found in Yin Yoga rather than relying on the traditional stretches you’ve probably been doing most of your life. That way, you’ll be gently coaxing your shoulder, wrist, ankle and other joints to remain flexible, which will allow you to continue to do the more rigorous activities necessary for healthy living.   

Fitness after menopause may look a little different than your fitness routine of old, but it can be just as varied and effective as ever. Best of all, you’ll be catering your activities to the “you” you are now!

My Thyroid Cancer Story

I was 28 when I felt a lump in my neck that ended up being Thyroid Cancer. Papillary Carcinoma to be exact. It isn’t until you don’t have a thryoid that you realize how important this small organ in your neck truly is. The thryroid hormones effect so many aspects of our wellness beyond the endocrine system. I spent the first 8 years after thyroid cancer feeling like an exhausted, depressed, version of my former self. It wasn’t until I focused on research and being my own advocate that I was able to get the treatment I needed to start feeling better. It was a frustrating road of study, paying private doctors out of pocket, and begging main stream medical to hear me and take the information I was giving them and at least TRY to do things my way. Doctors don’t know everything, and our wellness goes as far as we’re willing to advocate for ourselves. I hope my story helps someone who is struggling with thyroid issues. If you have questions about my journey with thyroid cancer and thyroid treatment, please feel free to comment.

Thank you for watching! Remember what I always say, be good to yourself and to others!

Hugs & Love ,

Interview With My Hormone Guru

I first heard about bio identical hormones years ago watching an interview with Susan Sommers. Although interested, I didn’t realize how important bio identical hormones would become in my own life. Like most women, I’d been programmed to believe that hormone replacement carries a high risk of breast cancer. Considering my Mother is a breast cancer survivor, and I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in my twenties, I couldn’t imagine taking that risk. (See interview video below)

This is where my obsession with research came into play. All my life I struggled with extremely heavy periods. Finally, after becoming iron deficient as a result, I decided to have a uterine ablation. While getting the pre op for that procedure it was discovered that I had precancerous cells lining my uterus. The recommendation was a complete hysterectomy, including ovaries. I would be fast tracked into menopause.

Learn more about Karen at

Although I had already studied bio identical hormones to some degree, I threw myself into learning as much as I could about hormones and what their exact function is our health and wellness. Meeting Karen from Essential Health LLC in Madison, Wisconsin was a huge part of me reclaiming my hormonal balance and wellness after a complete hysterectomy. I hope you enjoy the video. She’s a brilliant woman with so much knowledge to share.

Hugs & Love,

The Power of Kindness

Recently my friend Jen and I sat down to talk about the power of kindness and our relationship with other women over the years. The truth is, I’ve always struggled with trusting and feeling safe with other women. Working in an industry dominated by women, I saw first hand a culture of back stabbing, envy, and knocking others down to elevate yourself. Although there were moments of beautiful support and kindness intertwined in the ugliness, the years in the beauty industry caused me to build a wall around myself and feel unsafe in my relationships with women. As an almost 50 year old women, I keep my circle very small and filled with people that exude love, loyalty, and integrity. Here’s the video of Jen and I discussing this topic. We need more kindness in the world. xo

Weight Loss Wednesday 2 – Power Smoothie Recipe

Hey you guys!! 3.8 pounds down in my first week!! Although I had hoped for a five pound weight loss this first week, because so much water weight is dropped in that first week of diet modification, I’m feeling great and I’m definitely focusing on lifestyle change and feeling good over pounds on the scale. This week on Weight loss Wednesday I share what I’ve eaten this week and my husband, Adam joins me on the live show. We talk about how we eat as a family and his personal journey from chubby kid to fit middle age Dad.

One thing I’ve been focusing on is increasing my protein, more weight lifting, and giving myself some grace and kindness when I mess up. Nobody’s perfect; nobody should hold themselves to unrealistic standards of perfection.

This is my favorite protein shake recipe. I make this at least once a day. Twice if I really work out hard. Stacy’s Power Smoothie

I use a Ninja Blender, which we LOVE (I had a nutribullet that broke, and wasn’t nearly as nice as the Ninja.)


  • 1.5 Cups Frozen Berries (I buy organic)
  • 2 Cups Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk (30 Calories per Cup)
  • 1 Scoop Plant Based Vanilla Protein Powder (I use this brand)
  • 1 small handful of greens (Usually kale or power greens)
  • Blend on the smoothie setting
  • This makes a huge smoothie. I make this my first meal of the day after intermittent fasting for 16 hours. Usually I have this around 10:00am.

Weight Loss Wednesday: Episode 1

Hey you guys! Who wants to lose some weight with me?

I’ve started a new Wednesday night live stream weekly at 8:00pm. You can access that live stream through my YouTube Channel, or through the Gorgeously Aging Facebook page. If you’re not following me on Facebook, feel free to head over there and find me.

Being more isolated with Covid has inspired me to renew my focus on health, fitness and overall wellness. Quarantine was filled with delicious food and lazy days. With the gyms closed, I found myself not being nearly as active as I had been prior to Covid. We spent our days cooking and baking, and my rear end grew wider. After those six weeks of lock down, I felt pretty awful about myself. I knew I had to change it.

If you’re feeling like you need support or a little push in your health and fitness journey, feel free to join us at 8pm Wednesday evenings. If you haven’t subscribed to my YouTube Channel, you can do so by clicking here.

Here’s Episode One. Let’s get fit and feel amazing!!

Benefits of Intermittent Fasting


About a year ago, after a car drive discussion about our retirement plans and mutual desire to age in a way that allows us to continue to be active and adventurous as we age, my husband and I decided to try intermittent fasting as a means to improve our health and longevity. We’d read several studies outlining the health benefits of intermittent fasting, and wanted to see for ourselves if this way of eating improved the way we felt compared to not altering our eating to a restricted time window.

For those of you not familiar, intermittent fasting can be done in several different ways. Some folks fast for an entire day, several times per week. There are many options when it comes to intermittent fasting. My husband and I opted for an 8 hour eating window between 10am and 6pm each day, allowing our bodies a 16 hour fasting period. This can be adjusted to a 10 hour eating window and even a 12 hour eating window and still have some benefits. You can read more about intermittent fasting and how to get started here.  Adam is much more strict, eating only in that time window, especially during the work week. I adhere mostly to the time window, sometimes allowing myself a 10 hour window to eat as apposed to 8. My issue isn’t wanting (or needing) to eat later in the evening, I have no trouble not eating after 6pm. My problem is that I tend to feel light headed if I do not eat something before 10am. When this happens, I listen to my body and eat something healthy and light, often a clementine with some tea or coffee. We are less strict with our diet on the weekends, and often disregard it all together on vacation. (Moderation is part of sustainability for us.)

Here are some of the benefits that convinced us to live a (mostly) intermittent fasting lifestyle.

1. Inflammation and Oxidative Stress Reduction

Inflation and oxidative stress has been proven to cause aging, damage to cells and disease. Restricted eating reduces both inflammation and oxidative stress and allows the body more time to repair itself.

2. Weight Loss

Limiting the number of hours you eat in a day will typically reduce the number of calories you consume providing you are eating sensibly and not binging. The overall affect of sensible intermittent fasting is calorie reduction, which over time will lead to weight loss. This, of course, is taking into consideration that a healthy balanced diet is followed. For Adam and I, intermittent fasting is more about improved health and longevity than about weight loss, however we both saw an initial drop in weight as a result.

3. Reduced Insulin Resistance

Both Adam and I have diabetes on both sides of our family. For us it’s important to take any measure we can to reduce our risk of developing diabetes. Intermittent fasting has been shown to have major benefits for insulin resistance and lead to an impressive reduction in blood sugar levels. We’ve both found that intermittent fasting limits food cravings, especially carbohydrate cravings.

4. Cellular Repair

When I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer back in the spring of 2000, I became passionate about cancer prevention, cellular repair, and nutrition. During fasting the body induces important cellular repair processes, such as removing waste material from cells. This cellular repair process can be beneficial in cancer prevention, anti-aging, and overall health.

5. Increased Human Growth Hormone

As we age, the level of human growth hormone in our body decreases. Intermittent fasting is shown to stimulate HGH. Higher levels of growth hormone facilitate fat burning and muscle gain. As an additional benefit, healthy HGH levels improve hair, skin and nails.

6. Improved Gut Health

The time in which our bodies are not digesting food, our gut is able to repair itself. Studies have shown improved gut health and prevention of leaky gut simply by intermittent fasting.

7. Improved Heart Health

Intermittent fasting has been shown to improve numerous different risk factors, including blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and blood triglycerides.

8. Improved Brain Health

Animal studies suggest that fasting may protect against Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson’s and Huntington’s disease.

The low down? Intermittent fasting was an excellent fit for us. We drink WAY more water, eat cleaner than we ever have, and feel better following the 8/16 protocol (8 hours eating, 16 hours fasting). It becomes second nature after a while.

Just a note about intermittent fasting. If you are use to eating early in the morning and later in the evening, it does take your body some time to adjust. We found that after the first week, our bodies had adjusted to the 8 hour eating window. Drinking plenty of water is very helpful. Black coffee and unsweetened tea is helpful, too.

6 Ways to Shed Water Weight

Have you ever worked really hard to lose weight and find yourself gaining instead? Although there could be a number of reasons you’re heading in the wrong direction on the scale, one of the biggest culprits is water retention. Here are 6 ways to help shed water weight and look thinner.

1. Drink more water! This is huge, and seems counter intuitive when you’re trying to shed water weight, but it’s one of the very best things you can do of you body. When we become dehydrated, or body protects itself by holding on to water. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day helps flush fluids and keep our digestive system working properly; not to mention it’s wonderful for your skin, hair and nails. Add lemon to your water for flavor and digestive benefits.

2. Sweat! Getting exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, but there are other ways to sweat off the excess water weight. Gardening in the summer, mowing lawn and laying in the sun are all great ways to get your sweat on outside of working out, and get your daily dose of vitamin D. Just remember to drink plenty of water so your body doesn’t go into super water storing mode.

3. Watch your salt intake! If you’re eating a lot of processed food, chances are there’s way more salt in your diet than you’re aware of. Try replacing some of your processed diet with whole foods. Fruits and vegetables make great snacks, shoot for organic when available.

4. Cut back on alcohol! As much as it’s nice to indulge in drink every now and then, it’s a sure fire way to trigger your body to store water. The dehydration caused by drinking causes water retention. When trying to reach your fitness and weight loss goals, it’s important to seriously cut back, if not stop drinking alcohol all together.

5. Eat more fiber! Eating fiber rich foods cleanses your body and encourages the release of excess fluids. Fiber rich foods include fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans. You can also find a variety of fiber supplements. I use this one, which dissolves completely, and is flavorless, when added to my morning sports drink.

6. Eat and drink more diuretics! Did you know that coffee and tea are a great diuretic? Here’s a link to some foods that will help you shed water weight. 

The Beauty of Biotin

A few years back I stumbled on an article about the benefits of biotin for your fingernails. I’ve always had extremely thin nails that just don’t grow much beyond my finger tip. Although I was skeptical, I wanted to give biotin a shot to see if myself if it actually improved my nails. I was pleasantly surprised that it not only improved my nails, but my hair was longer and healthier than it had been in years.

Biotin, a B complex vitamin, not only strengthens hair and nails, it also supports the metabolism, helps regulate blood sugar, lowers cholesterol and improves the health of your skin. It’s definitely worth giving it a try.

This is the brand I use.

5 Benefits of Greek Yogurt

The first time I tried Greek Yogurt, all I could think was who eats this chalky stuff? I was completely turned off by both the taste and texture. Greek yogurt has come along way, and the health benefits are undeniable.  I eat Greek Yogurt every. single. day; it’s become an indulgent treat for me.

  1. Packed with protein, Greek Yogurt is a wonderful breakfast or post workout snack. Protein is vital for building muscle and tissue repair. As we age, we need more protein to keep our skin healthy and immune system strong. Greek Yogurt is an excellent non-meat source of protein.
  2. Give your brain a boost with B12; Greek Yogurt is an excellent source of the vitamin that helps with energy and vital brain function.
  3. Helps with belly fat. Calcium is important to overall health and weight loss. Calcium aids in reducing cortisol levels which can cause the body to store fat, especially in your mid section.
  4. Keeps your Thyroid happy. Iodine is important for  proper thyroid function and regulating your metabolism. A healthy endocrine system is vital to being fit.
  5. Greek Yogurt is high in potassium, which helps to balance out sodium in the body.

5 Tips for Fitness Over Forty

Do you feel overwhelmed by the idea of getting into shape, or making fitness a larger priority in your life? I’ve been there. I’ve had four babies (now ages 23, 21, 12, and 9); during the months following their birth, my life was about nursing my new baby and catering to his/her needs. The love and devotion to my child caused me to lose sight of taking care of myself. Eventually, I realized that having the energy to be a good Mom and Wife was dependent on making fitness a priority. It has also been very important to me to model a healthy and active lifestyle for my children.

  1. Schedule it. I swim on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday morning; and run on Tuesday and Friday. Depending on my kids schedules, I try to get out for a longer run on Saturday or Sunday. There have been times in my life that it’s seemed like a chore and I’ve dreaded my workouts, but I honestly look forward that time designated for myself each day. I feel the most incredible sense of accomplishment and wellness when I work out. It’s a wonderful thing.  If you schedule time for yourself to work out, you’re much more likely to make it a regular part of your life.
  2. Start Slowly. If you’ve been sedentary, don’t expect to come out of lazyville being able to run a 5K. Just getting off the couch and moving is the first step. As your fitness improves, you’ll be able to get more aggressive in your efforts. After a while, your day won’t seem quite right if you don’t take time for fitness.  I highly recommend the 10K trainer by Zenlab if you’re interested in running. It’s an excellent program that eases you into running over a period of weeks. There’s no better way to see changes in your body and cardiovascular health than running.
  3. Stick with it. It takes time to see and feel results. I always approach fitness as a lifestyle and not a means of getting thin or reaching a certain number on the scale. My goal is to be healthy; If I lose weight or drop a dress size, that’s the added bonus of being healthy.
  4. Variety. I find that variety is important in not getting bored. I enjoy swimming and running, but also love to take in an occasional Zumba, Body Pump, and Yoga class. I love to lift weights a few days a week to keep my body strong and toned. All of this variety keeps me from getting bored and allows me to feel that I’m giving my body everything it needs to be strong and healthy.
  5. Set goals. I find that I’m less likely to skip workouts when I set specific goals. For me, that’s to compete as a Masters swimmer in a swim meet with my daughters and to run a full marathon before I turn 45 next December. At one point, my goal was to run a 5K and to walk the track at the gym 4 days a week. The goals don’t have to be extraordinary, they just have to be something that you can shoot for. I always treat myself to a new gym outfit when I reach a goal; it’s a nice way to reward yourself for making a healthy lifestyle a priority.

What are your secrets to staying fit over forty? I’d love to hear them. Please comment below.